Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

Speech-ku Ujian Praktek B. Inggris

Have you ever heard about students who studies archipelago literature? I'm sure just a little number of you know it. That major isn't the favorite major in a university, and the enthusiasts rarely increase drastically. Besides, only a several state university has this major and many people assume this major isn't have a good prospect for the alumnus. People just put a bad stereotape on this major because they think this major only study a vernacular so it doesn't interesting at all.
Because the little number of participans in this major, people usually make a crack to the students. They said the students don't have a bright future. They said that because a fact that a vernacular teacher don't have a big influence to students in school. Vernacular isn't a major subject so they can underestimate the subject and the teacher. They don't know the other prospect and the false stereotape make this major increasingly underestimated. Or the stereotape that said the students of this major have no other choice or delibrate to choose the low passing grade major.
So in this speech I want to align views about this major. In this major, students not only studying about vernacular. They studying about the literature too. So they not only knows about the language, but also the history of the language, the right pronunciation, the art, culture, and the relation between vernacular and the other language. They have more knowledge about our original culture because this major is integrated in faculty of science of culture.
Based on my research, students who choose literature majors archipelago have known what's their dream before decided to join this major. Their dreams is a fantastic dream that I never heard before. They want to remind Indonesians to their original culture in the globalization era. One of student said that she wants to open a Javanese restaurant like Raminten. And the other want to be a Javanese jazz musician. He want to make a jazz song with Javanese language. So, this major and the student of this major can help people to remind their original culture with a creative way.
Many people judge the students choose this major because of the low passing grade. Low passing grade means would be very easy for college at the favorite university even with less favorite major. But I don't think so. Because students who had decided to join this major already build they dream and have a big responsibility to their choice. Very rare found a student choose this major based on that statement.
About the prospect, this major have a great prospect that can bring the students overseas. Beside working as the cultural experts in this country, they can go overseas to teach the foreign people about vernacular. You have to know that many foreign people are interesting to learn about Indonesian culture, especially Javanese. Or they can go to Netherland and be the inscription translater. Beside get a pride in bringing indigenous culture, they get a good salary for their job.
Being a civilians in a multiculture country, we have to open our mind to diversity in this country. Don't judge people from their choice of life. All majors is made because a special purpose and there's no major that is not useful. Finally, literature majors archipelago should be not trivialized. Although they are not a favorite majors, the alumnus are needed by everyone in the future.

Senin, 07 Maret 2011

Kolot Sekolot-Kolotnya :)

Judulnya kejem ya? hahaha.. tapi aku kasih smiley senyum deh biar kejem. Maksudnya biar kayak senyuman licik gitu. hahahaha... tambah ngawur.,
Cerita ini sebenernya udah kependem sejak aku masuk asrama, yaitu kelas sepuluh. Aku nggak pernah akur sama mbak-mbaknya yang ada di asrama. Bukannya sombong, aku cuma gak suka mereka ngatur-ngatur anak asrama. Bapak sama ibuku masrahin aku ke suster. Oke, suster. Bukan mereka. Kebaikan hati mereka cuma promosi, setelah masa promosi habis, ya sudah ketahuan lah sifat asli mereka yang merasa punya kuasa besar di asrama.
Sekarang gini deh. Aku nggak pernah ngerepotin mereka ini-itu. Aku nggak pernah minta dianterin makanan kalo lagi sakit. Aku juga nggak nuntut mereka harus dateng ke layatan mbah-mbahku kemarin. Aku juga nggak minta gelasku dicuciin walau ku tinggal di meja aula. Minta dijemurin kasur aja aku nggak pernah. Sekarang?
Dulu pas aku jadi pengurus, dikejutkan bahwa identitas asrama (yeardisk & sweater) juga harus ngasih ke mbak-mbaknya. Oke, ngasih. Ngasih=gratis. Gratis=ga bayar. Mereka nggak bayar buat dapetin identitas asrama itu. So? Dari mana datangnya duit buat nebus identitas asrama buat mereka? Ya dari kas lah! Dari iuran pengurus lah!
Tuh, enak banget ga hidupnya? Mereka cuma disuruh masak, angkat telepon, panggilin anak asrama yang mau les, bantuin suster dikit2, sekarang dapet identitas asrama GRATIS. Lagaknya kayak penguasa?! what the hell?!
Kapan Indonesia mau maju kalo masih ada orang yang kayak gini? Marah-marah sesuka hati tapi dapet banyak kemudahan dari orang yang dia marahin. Mereka-mereka itu cuma contoh dari sejumlah kecil orang yang bikin Indonesia terus-terusan jadi negara miskin. Pikiran mereka kolot, dan kolot sekolot-kolotnya. Dapet gratisan bukannya merubah sikap tapi malah sok berkuasa. Aku juga belom denger ada ucapan "MAKASIH" dari mereka.
Akibat dendam kesumat, tadi aku kena semprot salah satu dari mereka gara-gara ribut. Langsung aja aku bilang "CEREWET". Eh dia trus balik n bilang "Siapa yang bilang cerewet?" "AKU! Tapi emang aku ngomongin mbak po?"
Matanya melotot. Emang aku takut kalo kamu melotot? Sori ya. Aku cuma takut sama Tuhan, karena Tuhan yang punya kuasa nyabut nyawaku dan nentuin nasibku. Aku juga takut sama orangtuaku, soalnya tanpa mereka aku bukan apa-apa. Takut sama mereka?? Well, NEVER!! Aku nggak akan takut sama mereka yang kolot-kolot itu. Yang menikmati hasil tanpa bilang makasih, dan kalo dimintain tolong ngelakuinnya setengah hati.
Dan bukannya mau nyangkut SARA ya. Yang marahin aku tadi tu orang KAtolik. Kalo emang dia nyumpah-nyumpahin aku,,, helloooo... apakah itu kelakuan seorang Katolik? Inget nggak Injil yang bilang "Atas sehelai rambutku pun kamu tidak berhak mencabutnya"??
Ya silakan aja kalo mau nyumpah. Tapi kalo seandainya kejadian sama dirinya sendiri/anaknya/keluarganya yang lain, semoga jadi pelajaran bahwa apa yang keluar dari mulut akan berimbas nantinya.

Sama ornag-orang kayak gitu takut? Huh, emang siapa kamu? hahahaha
kolot sekolot-kolotnya :)